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Smoke Cleansing traditionally used in rituals, ceremonies and for spiritual purification, house blessings and spiritual cleansing. The smoke is believed by many to cleanse either a space or the body and aura, drive away negative energy and help reconnect with mother earth.


–Size: 4" in length, ~1" thick

–Includes Info Card w/ Cleansing Instruction

–Sold in Unit(s) of (1) Smoke Wand


It is important for non-Natives to learn how to cleanse their space in ways that are culturally and ecologically sensitive and respectful. Although smudging and smoke cleansing can look visually similar, the meaning and purpose behind them is significantly different.

🪶Smudging is a closed practice. It is a sacred ceremonial ritual of the Indigenous people in North America and is a symbol of their culture, faith, and heritage.

✅Smoke cleansing, on the other hand, is a much more interpretive practice that can be performed by anyone. While it may look like smudging, it is simply just the act of incorporating the burning of herbs, wood, or incense into your own personal spiritual practice.

🌀The best way to avoid appropriation is to steer clear of using sacred herbs that are not specific to your own heritage. There are many powerful plants to connect with in a magical way


🌿Black - Mugwort, also known as Black Sage, has a wonderful highly aromatic sweet herbal smell, and can be burned for many spiritual cleansing and blessing purposes. It is believed to drive out evil spirits and negative energy as well as assisting with meditation. The color of the leaves can change with the seasons so do expect some variation from batch to batch – this is very normal. Burned in the evening the material is believed to encourage both a restful sleep and plentiful dreams.


🌿Blue - A close relation to White Sage but with a lighter 'fresher' smoke with floral overtones. Used to purify, cleanse negativity and hatred and open the way for spiritual healing and calmness and to pave the way for spiritual prosperity and health. In addition to its role in cleansing ceremony's this sage can be burnt for meditation and simply enjoyment! Many users of White Sage, who can find the scent of White Sage overpowering, prefer the more refreshing scent of Blue Sage.

🌿Desert - This aromatic sacred native herb is used for spiritual cleansing, protection, fragrance and purification. It is used to drive out negative energy and bring calm to a troubled mind.

🌿Mountain with Dragons Blood - This wonderfully fresh and fragrant Smudge is Mountain Sage infused with Dragon's Blood Resin. Two powerful spiritual cleansing and protection items in one stick! Dragon’s Blood is a red resin that originates in Indonesia and is extracted from tropical trees that thrive in the warm climate.


Make sure the room where you are smoke cleansing is well ventilated. Open all the doors and windows. This is essential to not only drive out the negative energies (provide them with a route out) but also as a health precaution. Do not use if you suffer from Asthma or have respiratory issues. Do not use near infants or young children or anyone who is or may be pregnant. Do not leave burning smoke bundle unattended! If you are just starting out with smoke cleansing don't be too worried about which instructions are 'correct' or 'work best'. Do what works best for you and 'feels right’ for you. Your 'intention' is a key component of the ritual so be clear on what you want to achieve and keep that in mind as you perform the ritual. At the end of the ceremony make sure the stick is extinguished. You can crush the end in sand or dirt, place the cover of the pot over it or simply place the stick in the open water container. Just be sure the stick is extinguished before it is left.

Statements are not approved by the FDA.

Caution; if you have a medical condition or take any medication please consult with your physician before use. Keep out of children’s reach


*Crunchyhippies is not responsible for the improper use, recklessness , reactions, or results of how you use this product. Please consult your doctor or health care provider for any possible contraindications and/or interactions with current medications. Always inform your healthcare provider(s) if you are taking any herbal remedies or supplements and educate yourself thoroughly about herbs before any type of use. Use this product at your own risk.

Smoke Cleansing Bundles

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