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Yoni Steaming (aka. vaginal steaming, chai-yok, or bajo) is a powerful ancient remedy that has been used for centuries by women to support deep wellness. The true purpose of Yoni Steam is not to clean your vagina as it is inherently self-cleaning. The benefits of the Yoni Steaming is to allow the sacred energies of the natural herbs to permeate your body, release stress & toxins, revitalize and heal the Yoni (physically, emotionally and energetically)


1 ounce

Approximately 1-3 servings

🧝🏽‍♀️Goddess blend:

For general love & maintenance for yoni

Focused on balancing hormones, ph level, endometriosis, PCOS, or after a break up to cleanse out old energies. Good for those who struggle with rough periods, painful cramping, and heavy bleeding. Aides with BV.


Passionflower, Red raspberry leaf, mugwort, rose, Calendula, yarrow, Damiana, motherwort


💕Fertility & Flow:

Promotes blood flow to the uterus and vagina. Creating a welcoming environment for conception. Also functional for those who need to bring period on; feel blocked or have irregular periods due to birth control


Rose, Nettle, mugwort, yarrow, motherwort, red clover blossom



Balancing back your ph levels, chronic UTI’s

Aiding properties for cysts, ingrown hairs, infections


Yeast infections

Bacterial Vaginosis


Rosemary, plantain, mugwort, Calendula, motherwort, rose



How does Yoni Steam work?


The tissues of the vagina are exceptionally porous and absorbent, and the warmth of the steam works to soften and

open them. When the herbs are placed in the hot water, their medicinal properties, including volatile oils, are released

and carried to the surface of your skin, and to the inside of the vagina, where they are absorbed into the bloodstream

and, ultimately, into to the uterus. The medicinal herbal steam increases circulation, thins mucus, and cleanses the

entire reproductive system, allowing it to shed unnecessary membranes and buildup. In doing so, we support the

uterus to function at its best, thus reducing the amount of work it has to do, and therefore your discomfort. Vaginal

steaming is an age-old remedy that has been tested and approved by generations before us, and its time has come in

our modern culture. This ancient treatment for women has stood the test of time, and today it has the incredible

potential to significantly improve every woman's experience of her beautiful body.


There are a lot of other benefits when it comes to Yoni Steaming, Yoni steams have been found by uterine people throughout history to:


Significantly reduce pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation.

Decrease menstrual flow as well as reduce dark purple or brown blood at the onset or end of menses.

Regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles.

Increase fertility

Speed healing and tone the reproductive system after birth.

Reduce uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis.

Postpartum healing, assist with the repair of a vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar, Healing from miscarriage

Assist with the healing of hemorrhoids.

Relieve chronic vaginal/yeast infections UTI, bacterial vaginosis, and works to maintain healthy odor.

Ease symptoms of menopause including dryness or pain during intercourse.

Detoxify the womb and remove toxins from the body.

Release stored emotions/trauma and tap into the energy that is our creative potential, deepen connection to you

Feminine Essence & Gaia.

Have stronger & more frequent orgasms, Increase libido while you reignite sensual passion


Vaginal Steam Directions:

What You Will Need When Steaming At Home


- A slatted chair or modified stool/chair to let steam through. Preferably made of natural materials such as wood,

canvas, or bamboo.

- 1 large natural fiber blankets or large towels. Wool or cotton are preferred. A comforter would work too.

- A large stainless steel stock pot. You may also want a large ceramic, glass or Pyrex bowl to pour the hot water

and herbs into. Do not use a cracked bowl, the hot water may split the bowl more. Try to avoid plastic bowls.




1. Place your chair, blanket, and whatever else you may want in a location that will be comfortable. Have a glass of water,

music, reading material set up in advance. Be sure you are wearing a long skirt/dress & no underwear.


2. Boil 1 cup of water . Pour over 2 heaping tablespoons of yoni blend. Place pot or bowl under the chair/stool.


3. Test how hot the steam is. Put the inside of your forearm over the steam to test. Remember your genitals are very

sensitive to heat, you do not want to burn them! Do not sit down until the steam is comfortable for you.


4. Sit down. Be sure you are not wearing underwear and none of your clothing is hanging in the pot. Make sure that you

are sitting a safe distance away from the bowl/pot so that you do not touch the bowl/pot.


5. Cover your entire lower half, all the way to the ground with the first blanket. Make a tent all around the chair, to keep the

steam in.


6. Steam for 10-25 minutes. Set intention with what you're wanting the steam to do.


7. When the steam dies down dump the water into the toilet or return it to earth by emptying it outside.



🌿Made with 100% Organic, Aromatic; Freshly dried herbs.

🌿 100% Ethically sourced

🌿Formulated by Clinical Herbalist

🌿Contains ZERO parabens, artificial fragrances or other harmful chemicals.

🌿Obtain emotional and physical Yoni healing in the comfort of your home.

🌿A Holistic & Effective way to Detox, Revitalize, and connect your Sacred yoni.


You are pregnant or think you might be;

You have a IUD or other contraceptive device;

You are currently on your menstrual cycle;

You have a vaginal infection or open wound;

Do not add or use “essential oils” they are too strong and may burn sensitive genital tissue.


Consult a doctor if irritation occurs and discontinue using the product.

Store in a cool dry area away from direct sunlight, With container, properly closed



Statements are not approved by the FDA. Consult with your doctor before using this product to pair with/replace medications and/or treatment plans.

Caution; if you have a medical condition or take any medication please consult with your physician before use. Keep out of children’s reach


*Crunchyhippies is not responsible for the improper use, reactions, or results of how you use this product. Please consult your doctor or health care provider for any possible contraindications and/or interactions with current medications. Always inform your healthcare provider(s) if you are taking any herbal remedies or supplements and educate yourself thoroughly about herbs before any type of use. Use this product at your own risk.


⚠️ **Although there have been cases where yoni steaming has been beneficial for one or more of symptoms listed above, it has not been scientifically proven or evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. **

Yoni Steam Blends

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